Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You are Gifts from God 2012

Gifts from God

When you are faced with some far greater than your abilities and far greater than your gifts. You question God and say why me? how can this be happening? and so forth. Yet the important question is "God what am I going to learn? how can i improve? God this is for your glory what shall you have me do?" Your gifts are from God. God will only challenge you with what you are capable of handling. Ask God to grant you the ability to overcome with what is good and you will.

Every day we are given challenges. Every challenge that we are given allows us to improve or refine gifts and talents that we have been given. Look deep with in ourselves for what those might be. It may be your ability to love others, your ability to communicate, your intuition, your patience, your understand, and a wide range of other vocations. Every day you might use these and since you have been practicing them for so long they come naturally to your use. Along with that you have gifts of processes, creativity, health, strength, mind, and so forth that you develop each day. Again you might practice these everyday and they are naturally being used all the time. For God will only challnege you with what you are capable of handling. Therefor go forth and be awesome!!

You are A Gift from God
Marco Riolo



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am a gift from God because I am God, and so are you. God is deep within.

    Thank you for this mediation today Marco I dig it!
