Monday, January 2, 2017

Experience is the strength of Love

Experience is the strength of Love
Our experiences create our tolerance to life's adventures. Which is why one that can be less afflicted by something than another than that has not yet been afflicted

An experience of standing or walking in the rain. Be soaked while another that has the convenience of not being soaked. Would have a contrast of thought, the one with may feel a level of empathy or apathy based on the experiences of how one has been in that persons place or has reacted to of seeing a person in that place . As a result when we have a heart of Jesus we are at the gate for both. Christ died for each of us. And set in motion one of the greatest examples of love for others. Whether a person believes or does not believe, one can not deny the actions of love unless they then deny love.
and even then that is an experience that provides them the knowledge of Love whether little or great

Love always Marco Riolo

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

I love you each and may God bless you with love!
from the Awesome Adventures of Marco Riolo

Friday, June 14, 2013

A morning prayer

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for all my blessings you have enriched my life with. Everything good is for your glory.   This morning we pray for all those in bondage that they may be freed. We pray for all the hungry children and poor in the world that you comfort there hearts and be there guide. We pray for peace in the Middle East and around the world. May you continue to shine brightly in my life, my friends, all those I have yet to meet, and in my talents. All for your Glory! 

May those who have passed into the deep sleep awaken to enter in the eternal  celebration of heaven. 

If you have your prayer requests post them or pray on them in the silence of your hearts. 

God bless you, Jesus guide you, and Holy Spirit shine through you :) 

Marco Riolo 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Fun and Fear of Greeting People

 A recent scenario I engaged in brought me to share this story about Recognizing the World Around You.

At 730am in the morning  I found myself walking to my next appointment and had the opportunity to recognize the people I walk by or pretend not too.  I found myself not wanting to because of fear, anxiety, or being overwhelmed? I decided that if I was nice to people they would react by being mad that I smiled at them, said good morning or recognized them, or that they wouldnt acknowledge me.  So  I identified those fears and moved forward.

I took my fear out of the scenario and invested that energy in recognizing others.  The results were fantastic :)  The people smiled back, greeted me in return, and those that didnt respond I am sure they heard me.  As a result the anxiety I felt was gone, I positively effected the world, and most of all world.

So today go out and fun!

Have an Awesome Day
Marco Riolo

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Improve your Beauty

Your beauty shines more when your inner  beauty is recognized. Therefore take time to enhance who you are through what you love doing. Surround yourself in an environment that enriches you through positive reenforcement and critical encouragement. Because when you are happy on the inside you will shine more on the outside!

God bless you
Marco Riolo 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Choose Awesome as a Navigator!

Lost in a jungle of life with an awesome 
outlook has a very low success rate for bad moments. 

Every step of the way simply get better and better.

 As a result no matter how lost you are navigating through the jungle of life :) Your ability to have an awesome time is very high! 
So grab a friend continue to have fun and be more awesome! 

Marco Riolo 

The photo was at the 10th anniversary local first party in the chalk flood area. Enjoying time with my schnazzy friends :) 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Late night encouragement - Warming up the Blog

Late night encouragement - Warming up the Blog

 I hope that today where ever you landed that you are reminded how absolutely awesome you are! :)     

Thank you for sharing your time with me
Marco Riolo