Monday, January 2, 2017

Experience is the strength of Love

Experience is the strength of Love
Our experiences create our tolerance to life's adventures. Which is why one that can be less afflicted by something than another than that has not yet been afflicted

An experience of standing or walking in the rain. Be soaked while another that has the convenience of not being soaked. Would have a contrast of thought, the one with may feel a level of empathy or apathy based on the experiences of how one has been in that persons place or has reacted to of seeing a person in that place . As a result when we have a heart of Jesus we are at the gate for both. Christ died for each of us. And set in motion one of the greatest examples of love for others. Whether a person believes or does not believe, one can not deny the actions of love unless they then deny love.
and even then that is an experience that provides them the knowledge of Love whether little or great

Love always Marco Riolo

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