Monday, February 6, 2012

accountable by your consequences

accountable by your consequences

So often goals and directives are created by ourselves to attain something we want or dont want. I will do more of this to be fit, make more money, or have better relationships. We create a reward that says if we do these things than this will happen. By doing so, you have to be accountable for those actions and as a result see them through. This result you receive is a consequence of either being more fit, making more money, or better relationships or whatever you choose.

an easy example to help motivate some people is:

the money wager to help keep the motivation.
-If you dont keep to what you are doing your consequence is payment of some kind of money example $50 to your friend that is holding you accountable.
-If the person faults than the friend receives $50 for a rainy day.
-If however each week that the accountable person is successful that $50 is put toward themselves.
-So that by the end of the month they can take that $200 that they would have otherwise lost and treat themselves for there successes.

in the end this example and what we are talking about is being accountable for what you want. By creating your own consequences you can be more responsible for your actions. because your either going to be responsible for what you do or wish you had been. control your life, be accountable, and have fun!

be responsible! Enjoy your consequences your the one choosing them and be more awesome!
marco riolo

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