Tuesday, February 7, 2012

for the first time your not crazy for having that idea.

For the first time your not crazy. that idea you had the other day was amazing actually. I mean why not? what is stopping you from actually pursuing that great idea you just had? and if you have a reason how many of those are lack of understanding or just dont know how?

here is some examples of why you should:

if you never decided to crawl or decided to walk you wouldnt be today. infact inforder for you to do that it took several falls and in some cases using something to hold you up.

that first time you decided to cook for yourself. That recipe most like didnt get amazing till you refined it a few times. that didnt stop you from making it :)

what about writing a book? starting a company? pursuing what you love to do? traveling somewhere? being an athlete? being amazing parents? being an amazing friend? an invention? something new? i know that you have a dream and that dream is an amazing idea that although you think is crazy :) is absolutely perfect!!

today write down what you want to do and pursue it for the next 30 days. lets see what happens! because for once your not crazy for having that idea

marco riolo

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